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Blushing Elegance Bouquet

Price: $89.22

This enchanting bouquet is a perfect blend of soft pink roses and white lisianthus, wrapped in layers of pastel pink paper that enhance the delicate colors of the flowers. Complemented by silver-dollar eucalyptus for a modern, fresh touch, the arrangement exudes elegance and romance. Ideal for expressing love, gratitude, or heartfelt congratulations, the Blushing Elegance Bouquet is a sophisticated gift, making any occasion feel even more special.

At Ciaoflora, every single order goes through our rigorous quality control process before it's delivered. Once confirmed, it’s entrusted to our dedicated delivery team, known as the Ciaoflora Smile Team, who ensure your flowers arrive with care and a smile.

- Every bouquet is prepared and hand-delivered professionally by our skilled florists.
- Only the freshest flowers used.
- We have flower shops in main cities (Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Danang, Nha Trang, Ha Noi...) and make sure for most of items on website next day delivery. In some provices, flowers, gourmet foods, containers and accessories may vary. Some items may not be suitable to be sent to distance areas. In these cases, substitutions of equivalent value and quality may be necessary to fulfil your requirements

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